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Using Analogue Serious Games To Plan Cities Collaboratively

Cities are probably the most complex human creations due to their historical background, extension and overlaying integrated and interconnected activities. Some of these activities are conflicting and competing for resources, space, energy, and other needs. People are the ultimate users. In democratic societies, they should have a word saying about the city's management and strategic development. Serious games can be planning support tools to implement collaborative planning processes where citizens and stakeholders participate in their city's future development. Several practical case studies of analogue serious games for urban planning purposes will be presented in this open class by Micael Sousa.

Micael Sousa graduated with degrees in Civil Engineering and History. Master in Energy and Environment and Heritage Studies. PhD in Spatial Planning (University of Coimbra/Porto). Postdoctoral research at Spatial Dynamics Lab, University College Dublin, and Game Designer at CAPTRS. Member of ISAGA and SPCV. Game designer/Serious games: Lecturer and instructor in several institutions in Portugal, including Lusófona University, Polytechnic of Leiria, and European University.

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