Non-GUWS Wargaming Events

Circle DC 2023: A Conference on History, Education, and Play
Please join us in our nation's capital for Circle DC: A Conference on History, Education & Play on March 31-April 2, 2023. Registration for the three-day event is $75.
Join us and game with the likes of Jason Matthews, Tory Brown, Volko Ruhnke, Liz Davidson, David Thompson, Sebastian Bae, Jan Day, Maurice Suckling, Ryan Heilman, Talia Rosen, Mitch Reed, Dan Bullock, Akar Bharadvaj, and many more!
We will be posting some unique DC-only events as we approach the convention. But we are limited to only 150 attendees, so get your badge today!
Register and read more: https://tabletop.events/conventions/circledc

SDHistCon Online 2023
The San Diego Historical Games Convention (SDHistCon) is an event hosted and coordinated by a dedicated cadre of local gamers and friends. At its inception, our intent was to create a viable gaming space dedicated to the playing and exploration of historically-based conflict simulations (often referred to as "wargames"), but our mission has since evolved and expanded to one where we seek to create a diverse and supportive gaming community dedicated to historically-based simulations more broadly.
Once again we are going to be holding an online SDHistCon Spring Deployment; that is to say, all convention events will take place over the internet. We strive to create as seamless of an online experience as possible and hope that -- with a minimum of effort on your part -- you can join us for a scheduled series of incredible online historical gaming sessions and demos, seminars, live streams and other wargame community events, all from the safety of your own home. Most of our events will be coordinated using the popular Discord app (available free to all users).
Read more: https://tabletop.events/conventions/sdhist-online-2023:-spring-deployment

Women's Wargaming Network Hedgemony
Saturday, February 11 at 1pm: WWN will be hosting a Hedgemony session. This session is geared to teach the game mechanics of Hedgemony so that members can facilitate and run the game professionally for a sponsor. Hegemony sessions will run every Saturday until March 25. We are looking at at least 5-7 women who can attend 5 sessions as a prerequisite for facilitation experience of a professional game. If you are interested, please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_xSaOcee6WHp9ubxa_UeYisvwjqSOt1O7-Vm9elgq14Pe9A/viewform.

Women's Wargaming Network Game Night
Saturday, February 18 from 5-10pm WWN will be hosting our first Game Night! This event is open to any and all. Bring your favorite games and your best game face! Please RSVP here by Thursday, February 16 to reserve your spot: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScfLTXeo72UG-zHiKKYVG1bTyWBCEQ-6tC9i8b3e1HxFN2DsA/viewform.

Women's Wargaming Network Hedgemony
Saturday, February 18 at 1pm: WWN will be hosting a Hedgemony session. This session is geared to teach the game mechanics of Hedgemony so that members can facilitate and run the game professionally for a sponsor. Hegemony sessions will run every Saturday until March 25. We are looking at at least 5-7 women who can attend 5 sessions as a prerequisite for facilitation experience of a professional game. Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_xSaOcee6WHp9ubxa_UeYisvwjqSOt1O7-Vm9elgq14Pe9A/viewform.